The New Cybersecurity Threats You Should Know About in 2024

Every year, new cybersecurity threats emerge that put our digital information to the test. In this article, we present you with the most prominent cybersecurity threats for 2024 and offer you recommendations to keep your devices and data safe. From the rise of ransomware attacks to vulnerabilities in the Internet of Things (IoT), it is vital to be informed in order to protect yourself properly.

cybersecurity threats


The Top Cybersecurity Threats of 2024

1. Advanced ransomware attacks

Ransomware, a malicious form of software that encrypts user data and demands payment to unlock it, has been a persistent headache for organizations and individuals alike. But in 2024, the game has changed. These attacks are no longer random acts of cybercrime. Now they are more sophisticated, targeted and destructive. Using advanced tactics such as double extortion, cybercriminals not only encrypt the data, but also threaten to leak it to the public if the ransom is not paid. Organizations are especially vulnerable, as a successful attack can cripple their operations, damage their reputation, and cost them millions in losses and ransom payments.


2. Deepfakes in cyberattacks

Advances in artificial intelligence have enabled the creation of deepfakes, manipulated hyper-realistic representations of video and audio. In the wrong hands, this technology has proven to be a powerful deception tool. In 2024, deepfakes have become a standard tool in the arsenal of cybercriminals. We no longer just see disinformation campaigns on social media; fraud through deepfakes are becoming more common. Imagine receiving an email with an attached video from the CEO of your company requesting an urgent transfer of funds. Or an audio that appears to be from a family member asking for financial help. The realism of these counterfeit media can fool even the most trained eye, making it an especially insidious cyber threat.


3. IoT (Internet of Things) and vulnerabilities

The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized our daily lives, allowing everything from refrigerators to cars to be connected to the network and offer advanced functionality. However, this revolution has also brought with it a set of security challenges. Many IoT devices are manufactured without considering proper security measures, making them easy targets for cybercriminals. These devices can be hacked and used as gateways to larger networks, or even be part of botnets that launch massive attacks. In 2024, with an even greater number of connected devices, securing the IoT has become more important than ever, requiring a combination of best manufacturing practices and increased consumer awareness of potential risks.


4. Threats to the supply chain

Supply chain, traditionally known for its focus on production and logistics, is now in the crosshairs of cyber attackers. The reason is simple: Rather than attack a large and probably well-defended company directly, it is easier to infiltrate through one of their vendors or outsourced services, which might have weaker defenses. These attacks can have serious consequences, not only disrupting production, but also allowing access to sensitive parent company information. By 2024, organizations are redoubling efforts to secure their supply chain, requiring more rigorous security standards from their suppliers and using advanced technology to monitor and detect any suspicious activity.


Recommendations to Protect Yourself from Cybersecurity Threats 2024

1. Update regularly

Keeping your devices and software up to date is essential. As new threats emerge, developers work arduly to create patches and security updates that address these vulnerabilities. By not updating, you leave doors open to possible invasions. Therefore, it is always recommended to enable automatic updates or at least check and apply updates on a regular basis.


2. Cybersecurity Education

technology advances at a dizzying pace and, with it, the attack techniques of cybercriminals. It is essential to be informed about the latest trends in cybersecurity and emerging threats. Participating in workshops, seminars, or simply reading about it can give you the tools to recognize and avoid potential threats before they do harm.


3. Use of advanced security solutions

It is not enough to have a basic antivirus. Having a comprehensive security suite that includes a firewall, ransomware protection, phishing detection, and other advanced tools is essential. These solutions act as a shield, detecting and blocking threats before they enter your systems. Also, it's always helpful to combine these tools with safe practices, like not opening suspicious emails or downloading files from unknown sources.


Frequently asked questions about cybersecurity threats by 2024

1. What is ransomware and how does it work?

Ransomware is a type of malware that, once it infects a device, encrypts user data, preventing access. Subsequently, the cybercriminal demands a payment (usually in cryptocurrency) to provide the decryption key and restore access to the data. While there are tools and techniques to combat ransomware, prevention is always the best strategy.


2. Are deepfakes cybersecurity threats?

Yes, deepfakes, which are artificial intelligence-generated representations of real people doing or saying things they never did or said, can be extremely dangerous. If used for malicious purposes, they can mislead the public, defame individuals, manipulate opinions, and cause all kinds of social and personal harm. It is vital to be informed and be critical of the information we consume, especially online.


3. How can I protect my IoT devices?

The protection of your IoT (Internet of Things) devices involves several measures. First of all, it is essential to keep the software on your devices up to date, since manufacturers often release security patches to address known vulnerabilities. Also, change the default passwords that come with these devices to strong, unique passwords. It is also a good idea to connect these devices only to secure networks and consider establishing a separate network just for them. These actions minimize the risk that an intruder can access your devices and possibly your entire home network.


4. What are supply chain attacks?

Supply chain attacks refer to malicious strategies that aim to compromise an organization through its suppliers, partners, or any related entity in its supply chain. By exploiting vulnerabilities in software or hardware supplied by third parties, cybercriminals can infiltrate larger networks and carry out malicious actions without initially being detected. These attacks can have a considerable impact, since they affect multiple entities along the chain.


5. How do I know if I have been the victim of a ransomware attack?

If you have been the victim of a ransomware attack, one of the most obvious signs is the inability to access your files or systems. Often these files are encrypted and renamed with strange extensions In addition, attackers often leave a "ransom note" on the infected device or system, detailing their demands, usually a payment in cryptocurrency, and instructions on how to recover your data.It is essential not to pay the ransom without first consulting security experts. cybersecurity, since there is no guarantee that you will recover your data even after making the payment.


6. Is it enough to have an antivirus to be protected?

Having an antivirus is an essential step to protect your device from malware and other threats. However, it is not enough on its own. Cybercriminals are constantly developing new techniques and malware variants that can bypass antivirus defenses. Therefore, it is essential to complement the antivirus with other security measures, such as keeping all programs and operating systems up to date, using firewalls, practicing safe browsing habits and being informed about the latest threats and phishing tactics. Taken together, these actions provide a more robust defense against cyber threats.


7. Can deepfakes be detected?

Detecting deepfakes can be challenging due to the sophistication with which they are created. However, there are tools and techniques under development that attempt to identify anomalies in altered video and audio. These tools look for inconsistencies in lighting, flicker, audio quality, and other subtle indicators that may not match a natural recording. Despite advances, it is always essential to maintain a critical approach and verify the source of any suspicious content before taking it for granted.


8. What can I do if I am the victim of a cyber attack?

If you suspect you've been the victim of a cyberattack, the first thing you should do is disconnect your device from the network to prevent further spread of malware or the extraction of more information. Avoid paying ransoms in case of ransomware attacks, as there is no guarantee that you will get your data back and you will be funding criminal activities. It is crucial to back up all your important information and consult a cybersecurity expert or a specialized company for guidance on the next steps to take. It is also advisable to change all your passwords and monitor any unusual activity on your accounts.


9. How do I keep my personal information safe online?

Protecting your personal information online requires a combination of good practices and the right tools. Use strong and unique passwords for each account, consider using a password manager to keep them organized. Never share personal information on unsecured websites or on social media. Turn on two-step verification or two-factor authentication whenever possible, as it provides an extra layer of security. It is also advisable to be aware of phishing scams and keep your Up-to-date systems and applications to protect against known vulnerabilities.


10. Do cybersecurity threats and attacks only affect companies?

No, cybersecurity attacks do not discriminate and can affect both companies and individuals. While it is true that organizations can be attractive targets due to the vast amounts of data and resources they possess, individuals can also be targets of attacks, especially if they have valuable information or are associated with high-profile public figures or companies. In addition, the proliferation of connected devices and the increasing digitization of daily life mean that we are all exposed to potential threats.


11. What is two-step verification?

Two-step verification, also known as two-factor authentication or 2FA, is a security method that requires the user to provide two different types of identification to access an account . This means that in addition to entering your regular password, you'll also need to provide another piece of proof, usually a temporary code that's sent to your mobile phone or an authenticator app. This added layer of security helps protect accounts even if someone gets your password, as they would also need access to second factor authentication to log in.


12. Why is education important to prevent cybersecurity threats?

Cybersecurity education is essential because we live in a digital age where our information and activities are constantly online. Being informed about the latest threats, vulnerabilities, and attack tactics enables individuals and organizations to take proactive steps to protect themselves. Additionally, awareness helps prevent risky behavior and avoid falling into traps, such as phishing attempts. An educated user is less likely to click on suspicious links, share unverified personal information, or download files from untrustworthy sources. In essence, cybersecurity education empowers individuals to be the first line of defense against cybercriminals.